Security Applications

Detect and Mitigate Security Attacks, Avoiding Disruptions to Your Communications that Cost Time and Money


With the potential for malicious attacks via SIP and VoIP, real-time communication (RTC) services and networks will benefit greatly from Ribbon’s Security Applications suite. Leveraging the value of behavioral analytics and machine learning framework, the Security Applications suite provides a rich toolkit for detecting many types of fraudulent activity, and malicious attacks, making it a key component to secure RTC. Automated threat intelligence and security enforcement decisions can be shared across the network reducing security management silos by creating an overarching security umbrella that greatly reduces the VoIP threat landscape.

In addition, Security Applications, provide key capabilities that enrich Ribbon Call TrustTM, our Identity Assurance solution, by analyzing network call data to proactively identify potential robocalls or fraud calls which it then feeds into the Ribbon Identity Hub for reputation scoring.

The Ribbon Security Applications suite includes:


Bad actors are trying to enter your real-time communication networks to fraudulently use your resources at your expense. With Ribbon FraudProtect you will help you prevent this by identifying repetitive calling patterns to anomalous places and flagging them in real-time based on destination detection. As more fraudulent calls are made, they are quickly identified and terminated, thus mitigating the potential for expensive toll charges.

The detection and identification of potential bad actors is important information to feed into the Ribbon Identity Hub to enrich the reputation scoring models. The ability to do this in near-real-time and to be a source of continuous learning from actual call traffic is a key differentiator for Ribbon.


How do you keep your real-time communications free of fraudulent robocalls and annoying nuisance calls? Ribbon RoboProtect uses advanced databases to quickly identify the source of the robocall and apply policies to the edge of the network to stop these calls before they disrupt your employees or customers.


Unfortunately, even when you protect your real-time communications from unwanted calls coming into your network it is still possible to encounter a malicious Telephony Denial of Service (TDoS) attack that ties-up communication applications such as IVRs or incoming and outgoing trunks. Ribbon TDoSProtect uses advanced algorithm and machine learning techniques to mitigate these attacks. Advanced policies are applied at the edge of the network to siphon out these unwanted, disruptive calls from your communications networks and applications.


The sharing of threat intelligence data (including white/blacklists) across network elements is the key to closing the security aperture of your real-time communications network. Ribbon NetProtect distributes threat intelligence policies across network devices, so you can close the gap exposed by rogue communications. Distributed security policies between your SBCs and next-gen firewalls allows you to stop bad actors at the edge of the network. It also enables your organization to have a more effective and holistic security methodology across the converged (data and communication) network.

NetProtect is also used as the mechanism to support the integration of security analytics results into the Ribbon Identity Hub.

Feature & Benefits

  • Advanced algorithm and machine learning techniques to siphon out unwanted, disruptive calls from your communications networks and applications
  • Identify for repetitive calling patterns to anomalous places and flags them in real-time based on destination detection
  • Fraudulent calls are quickly identified and terminated, thus mitigating any expensive toll charges
  • Detects calls to premium numbers, calls exceeding bandwidth utilization or peak call rates
  • Automatically alert on and block rogue calling patterns
  • Integrates with 3rd party fraud and robocall databases
  • Detect calling anomalies based on metrics such as CAC by Calling number or long/short call durations, and more
  • Network security intelligence sharing (blacklist and whitelist) with next-gen firewalls and automated remediation via SBC or PSX policy enforcement
  • Following detection and identification of potential bad actors, in near-real time, this information is fed into the Ribbon Identity Hub, to enrich the reputation scoring models. 

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